About the Range
Your story teller

Your story teller

The 6 Panels decorated with Pictures and text allows you to tell your stories : Brand values, Training, Product Launch...
Cool and trendy

Cool and trendy

Rubik’s Cubes are so captivating almost everyone is drawn to them, and the urge to give it a go is all but irresistible!


Once branded, Rubik's Cubes become valuable collector pieces that employees and clients will want to keep !
Our Rubik's merchandise is fully personalizable in 3 weeks with low minimum quantities. In the case of the 3×3 Cube we also offer Express delivery. Contact us to know more.

Why Rubik's

Rubik’s Means Business





Multi sensory

Multi sensory

Used by Top Brands

Used by Top Brands



500 million

An estimated 500 million Rubik’s Cubes have been sold and approximately one in seven people have played with a Rubik’s Cube.

Fifty Years of Commercial Success

Fifty Years of Commercial Success
The Rubik’s Cube was created in early 1974 when Hungarian professor Ernö Rubik devised the first prototype. Rubik later used the Rubik’s Cube to help explain 3D spatial thinking to his design students.
Fifty Years of Commercial Success
A commerical product soon followed and it was an instant sensation taking Hungary by storm. The craze soon spread to the rest of the planet and by the early ’80s, a fifth of the world’s population had already had the pleasure of cubing!
Fifty Years of Commercial Success
The second wave came with the rise of the Internet. Today there are millions of Rubik’s focused websites, blogs and YouTube clips.
Fifty Years of Commercial Success
Rubik’s has also made a mark outside of the cubing community, starting art movements (Rubik Cubism), featuring in pop videos and in Hollywood movies, and even featuring in its own TV show.
Fifty Years of Commercial Success
In 2005, the promotional sector joined the movement, helping to make Ernö Rubik’s puzzle one of the most sought-after promotional products by advertisers.

A Global Sensation

1,5 million
Promotional Rubik’s sold per year
Fortune 100 use it

So much more than a mere toy, the Rubik’s Cube is a global classic that captivates, fascinates, and challenges children and adults, men and women, around the world.

The perfect marriage of fine form and flawless function, this magical cube is modern-day style icon.

Why Companies Choose Rubik’s

The Rubik’s brand is globally recognized, has universal appeal and evokes strong positive memories.

Rubik’s Cube makes a strong statement about ingenuity, creativity and perfect design that is universally understood the world over.

Rubik’s Cube is hugely captivating; almost everyone is drawn to it and the urge to give it a go is all but irresistible.

Contact Us

Have a question or inquiry? Get in touch, we’ll be glad to hear from you